100% money back guarantee if we fail to pass the exam for you. Who else can give you such an offer except us? You can be 100% sure that the money you are spending will earn you the certificate.
In worse case situations if you want your money back then following policies will apply:
We guarantee 100% passing result or else we refund the entire amount of that paper back to you if you fail.
Refund Policy:
- In case we are not able to clear the exam for you then we will refund the entire money you have paid for that exam.
- If your certification had more than one exam and other exams are passed and updated on the official site then amount will be refunded only for the papers which are not passed.
- Refund amount does not include the transfer charges.
- Refund amount depends upon the amount which we had received and not on the exchange rate on the day of refund.